Media Review Request Form

To request a review copy for your publication, please complete the form below. You will then receive an email to confirm receipt of your request. For print orders, you will receive a further email from the distribution centre once your request has been processed. Please be aware that shipping times for printed books vary depending on your region and stock availability. If you have any queries regarding delivery, please reach out to the relevant distributor directly, quoting your reference number:


For eBook orders, you will receive an email with an access code and instructions within 2 weeks of placing your request.

This form is for review copy requests only. If you require an inspection copy for a class you are teaching, please visit our Instructors page.

If you are a journalist and would like access to content for an article, including interviews, please contact

If you require a copy for any other purpose, please visit the Customer Service pages.

Where will the book be reviewed?
Book Details

Please copy and paste the Book ISBN from the Website. (Book ISBN should be 13 digits without hyphens "-"). You may request up to five Books.

(ISBN must start with 978 and be 13 digits without hypens "-")

Your Details